Children’s Parties

Children’s Parties
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If your life is hectic but you still want to organise a party that will make your child’s day, then Gem Children’s Parties is the small but indispensable book that will come to your rescue.Planning a children’s party can be stressful, expensive and a feat of organisation. Gem Children’s Parties provides struggling parents with reliable, imaginative advice and ideas that will guarantee a hit party without the fuss.Covering everything from food to entertainment, this is a one-stop resource for every budget and every parent who happens not to be superhuman.Topics include:• Venues• Themes• Decoration• Games• Food• Goody bags• Web and other helpful resources


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Children’s Parties

Sean Callery

The more involved children feel in planning a party the more fun they will have.

‘We’re having a birthday party’ is a phrase that sends a shiver of anticipation and joy down the spine of a child, and possibly a shudder of horror through the whole body of the poor adult who’s going to run it. But it doesn’t have to be an ordeal.


Holding a party can be stressful: the combination of organizing activities and food, and handling a group of excited children, keeping everyone happy and safe, is challenging. However, a good children’s party (and that doesn’t necessarily mean an expensive one) can be a wonderful event that strengthens friendships and leaves memories that last forever. Do remind yourself as you go through it: parties are supposed to be fun. After all, it’s a fair bet that you remember some of your own birthday parties with a smile. Now it’s payback time!

The most important voice is that of your child. There really is no point putting hours of work into something she doesn’t really want. But if you start by asking, ‘What kind of party do you want?’ you could be treated to some wild fantasy about taking the whole class for an elephant ride, and get the conversation off to a bad start. Instead, it’s better to ask, ‘What do you like at parties?’ and find out what games and food she has enjoyed. That will give you some idea of what you can suggest – it’s always easier if you are able to give children choices in order to keep them involved in decisions.

Children are aware that birthdays are milestones in their lives, when they feel that bit more grown up, and, of course, when they get recognition and presents from those they love. Children also enjoy the colour and excitement of celebrations, the chance to do something different, and all the special attention in their honour.

What’s it all about?

This book will help you because it offers advice on everything to do with children’s parties, from where and when to have them to what games you could play, what food you might have, plus tips on the all-important cake. There are also eleven suggested party themes with ideas of how to use them at the party.

So, how can you ensure that your child and his guests have a great time, and you are still smiling as you close the door on the last child clutching her party bag?

Plan: Decide with your child what is going to happen and when, including a ‘Plan B’ for bad weather or other problems.

Prepare: Get organized in advance so that there is no last-minute panic a few hours before.

Keep your child involved: Give him meaningful jobs (like making the invitations) and discuss big decisions with him. That way you’re much less likely to have complaints from him before, and after (or worse, during!) the party.

Adapt: If it isn’t working (and there is bound to be something that doesn’t go right), change it.

Now, where’s that pack of balloons?

Planning is the key to a really successful children’s party, because if children don’t understand what is happening and what is expected of them, they’ll do their ‘own thing’, which is likely to cause you problems! This section helps you decide where and when your party will be, who to invite, and what to do at it, so that you can enjoy it as much as them!


You will need to decide early on where your party will take place. The obvious and by far the cheapest choice is: at home. However, for a variety of reasons, you may wish to consider other venues.

Where is best to hold a party?

Here are some reasons for not holding a birthday party at home:

• You don’t want a large group of children running amok in your home. Any group of more than ten is likely to be too much for many houses, unless you have a large garden and are confident the weather will be good.

• You can’t face the hassle of preparing and cleaning up afterwards. Parties mean hard work, and however many helpers you have, it will be happening in your home and that can feel like an invasion.

• You know you cannot handle the management of a group of children, and need someone to do the job for you. Managing children is not easy, and if it fills you with dread, it could spoil your life for weeks.

• You intend to invite lots of guests and so need a big space. Assess roughly how much space your child’s friends are likely to need, and start searching for a party location.

• You’ve chosen a theme and the venue is perfect. For example, a water theme demands a pool location.

• You know of a good venue and trust it to as a place to hold a good party. Nothing beats personal experience or recommendation.

It is important that you consider the ages of the children involved. Most are likely to be the same age as your child, so if you blanch at the idea of ten ‘clones’ of her rushing into your kitchen, consider other locations. However, the venue should be appropriate to the age and nature of the children involved: some find swimming pools big and frightening, for example. Similarly, a soft-play centre can be a noisy and scary environment for young or nervous children. Remember, too, that a party venue that can take your booking is quite likely to have other parties going on either at the same time (which can be confusing for guests and staff) or just before or after, so you could feel hurried or have to wait while the staff clear up.

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