Outback Surrender

Outback Surrender
О книге

Banished from his Outback home, Brock Tyson had left Koomera Crossing without a backward glance.But Shelley Logan was secretly in love with him and has never forgotten their one stolen kiss…. Now Brock has returned to claim his rightful and considerable inheritance. Romance is the last thing on his mind - until he sees Shelley!She's blossomed into a beautiful and sensual woman - and their passionate surrender to each other is inevitable. Only, circumstances are against them, and Brock now has a battle on his hands if he's to claim Shelley as his bride….


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Shelley Logan was no longer the cute little teenager Brock remembered.

She’d matured. She had a woman’s sensitivity and perception and wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. Back then she’d been way too young for him, but in the interim the rosebud had opened up velvety perfumed petals.

Brock continued to stare at her, holding her gaze captive. Despite the poise he hadn’t been prepared for, Shelley was flushed with color. Her wild red-gold hair lay loose around her shoulders. Her beautiful eyes were large and lustrous, her mouth sensitive and her chin prettily pointed.

If it wouldn’t have jeopardized their old easy friendship, Brock would have told Shelley she looked damned sexy!

Dear Reader,

Shelley’s story is the fourth book in my KOOMERA CROSSING miniseries, which chronicles the lives of people who live and love in Australia’s great Outback. The setting for my series is Queensland’s Channel Country, a riverine desert and the home of the nation’s cattle kings and big mobs. It’s a fabulous place, rich in aboriginal Dreamtime legends, full of stark, truly mystical grandeur—bleached cruelty under drought and heart-stoppingly beautiful after the rains when the desert blazes into the greatest gardens on earth.

Shelley Logan and Brock Tyson are both rebels, both hurting from their families’ power struggles. Both forever reaching up and outward, reaching for one another and what ultimately is life’s greatest prize—enduring love. This is their story. I had to write it.

The first book in my KOOMERA CROSSING miniseries was the Harlequin Superromance>® title Sarah’s Baby. This was followed by Runaway Wife and Outback Bridegroom in Harlequin Romance>®. Look for Home to Mara, a further KOOMERA CROSSING novel, coming soon in Harlequin Superromance.

Outback Surrender

Margaret Way














SHELLEY hit the pavement with a fast light step that belied her tiredness. It was late Friday afternoon and she’d all but completed her list of “must-dos” in the town of Koomera Crossing. Her first meeting, with the bank manager, hadn’t gone too badly, but the meeting with her father’s solicitor—the only one in the town—had not been so good. She’d then ordered fresh food supplies from the general store, where they always did a marvellous job. That had been the most important and most pressing need. Supplies had to be ordered in to accommodate a small party of Japanese guests due in a month’s time. Those supplies would be airfreighted out to the station before the tourists’ arrival.

She’d stocked up on all the non-perishable items, and now she was going to buy a few little treats for herself, just to keep her spirits up. Toiletries, mainly. Soaps, shampoos, creams, a bit of make-up and the like. Usually she spent very little on herself, only peanuts on clothes and cosmetics, but she made sure she looked after her hair and skin. Those precious assets had to last her a lifetime, after all.

She was dog-tired even for a girl with plenty of go, and she had to force her legs to see out the distance. She’d started out from home, Wybourne Station, in the pre-dawn, making a fairly quick trip—some three hours over rough Outback roads—before she hit Koomera Crossing, the nearest thing to civilisation in this part of the world.

South-West Queensland really was the Back O’Beyond, but she loved her desert home with a passion. Nowhere else could offer her such peace and freedom, such vast open spaces. This was the Timeless Land, sacred to all aborigines. Shelley too revelled in her extraordinary environment—the living desert, with its vivid pottery colours, undulating red sands and surreal rock monuments. There was nowhere quite like the Outback for mystique. Its very antiquity gripped the soul.

It also kept her close to Sean, her guardian angel, her twin brother. Sean had drowned when they were six. Even now she remembered the sound of his sweet voice calling to her as she’d run madcap in the homestead’s rambling, overgrown garden…


Sean had always run to her, his twin, for love, for reassurance and comfort, rather than to their older sister, Amanda, or even their mother. And even after the terrible day of the accident, of which Shelley had no clear recollection but of chaos and high, screaming voices, Sean had still accompanied her on her childhood adventures. Hadn’t he woken her every dawn of her life, patting her forehead and pulling her ear? “Wake up, Shel. The sun’ll burn a hole in you.”

Sean! Always destined to remain a beautiful little boy, Titian curls his halo, rosebud lips moving soundlessly, his eyes like shining jewels, a gauzy white radiance all around him.

That was what twins were like. They shared a bond that meant they were never parted, not even in death. Still, heartbreak was never far from Shelley. Her memories of her little brother were bittersweet, but the power and magic of their love for each other sustained her even now.

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