Psycho-cosmic energies and Russia

Psycho-cosmic energies and Russia
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Earth is continuously supplied with energy coming from Space – electromagnetic and non-electromagnetic, primarily vortex energies related to rotation of the celestial bodies and gravity energy.Some cosmic energy spectrum directly influences human mind. This is psycho-cosmic energy. Through the activity of these people and under the influence of these energies society and economy change.Russia is particularly dependent on psycho-cosmic energies.The possible measures are offered for Russia development considering the identified facts, psycho-cosmic regularities.For those who think about our future.

Книга издана в 2018 году.

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In the context of rapid changes, recessionary events and even civilization crisis it is vital to understand the laws of socio-economic development. But there is no theory that fully meets our demands today. Social sciences lack the accuracy that is inherent to mathematics and physics. Appealing to these sciences and to systemology made it possible to establish some system dependencies, without understanding of which it is difficult to succeed in studying such a highly complex system as society. One of the important statements of systemology: quality criteria of a studied system is defined by a system of higher degree. In other words, if some issues, tendencies or system development features cannot be understood with all the efforts applied to its studying, then one should study a system of a higher degree. And which system would that be in relation to society? This is Space, space energies. Appealing to the works of V. Vernadsky, L. Gumilev, A. Chizhevsky and Russian cosmism confirmed this assumption.

In the early XXI century it became evident that the cosmic energies are not just the electromagnetic activity of the Sun. But it is not electromagnetic, but primarily vortex energy related to the rotation of celestial bodies and gravity energy.

There was a chance to combine the results of large-scale psychological research, the data of hundreds, thousands electroencephalograms containing various signs of cosmic energies. The was a clear, statistically significant correlation.

One of such indicators is the Earth's rotational velocity. It depends not only on gravity of the other planets and the Moon, but also on the density of interstellar matter, through which the solar system moves, and also on the cosmic ether density (according to followers of its existence). Rotation of planets and the Sun is any non-absolute vacuum spins that medium into vortices. This is spin, or vortex energy, some call it torsion energy. Density and power of that energy according to a variety of attributes very well correlated with changes in EEG of the patients.

It turned out that, according to well-known scientists, the cosmic energy has complex structure. At the same time one energy is increasing (e.g., electric), while the other is decreasing (magnetic). While spin energy is increasing, gravity is decreasing. While gravity-spin energy is increasing, electromagnetic one is decreasing. Ref.: V. L. Dyatlov. Polarization model of heterogeneous physical vacuum. Novosibirsk, Institute of Mathematics publishing, 1998, 183 p., etc. The growth of tree rings, cereals, growth of biota, human activity depends and resonates with a certain cosmic energy. Sometimes it is clear what kind of energy it is, but sometimes not. This energy is often related to the Earth's rotational velocity. In order not to specify this explicitly every time, in the text of this paper the term "growth of cosmic energies" relates to the type of energy that directly affects biota, predetermines its growth and provides people with energy for greater activity in various types of human occupations.

Chapter 1. Methodological and evident, factual foundations of analysis of the psycho-cosmic energies impact on Russia development

1.1 On the method of problem analysis

For decades research data have been collected, scientific research has been done that has shown a relationship between socio-economic and intellectual human development and cosmic energies. They relate to changes in electromagnetic, physiological and psycho-physiological human activity with the increase or decrease of certain electromagnetic or non-electromagnetic energies.

Briefly about them.

Our brain works differently during decrease or increase of cosmic energies, especially the energies related to the Earth's rotation (gravity-spin energies). Often during increase of gravity-spin energies the EEG frequency increases, cervical parts of the brain get more activated, its right half. This is true for ordinary people. Within this overall trend individual differences are huge.

The greatest differences are observed among groups of people who are divided by the structure of the brain electromagnetic activity into a) right brain hemisphere, with high frequency of EEG activity, and b) left brain hemisphere, with low frequency.

With the decrease of cosmic energies left brain hemisphere people are usually more effective, with the increase – right brain hemisphere. Each of these groups has its own psychological, psycho-physiological and other features.

The changes of the increase of cosmic non-electromagnetic energies to the decrease, that is, the change of acceleration sign of the Earth's axial rotational velocity are the bifurcation points in human decision making. At these points usually the most important socio-economic phenomena start – revolutions, wars, protests, change of development trends, etc.

More active in making decisions at these bifurcation points are sometimes people of type A (we call them type 1/1), and sometimes the opposite personality type (we called it type 5/5). People of type 1/1 are often more active at the minimum point of gravity-spin cosmic energies change cycle. People of type 5/5 are often more active at the maximum points of gravity-spin energies, until the moment they begin to decrease. These points can be accurately defined: these are often the points of acceleration sign change of the Earth's axial rotation.

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