The Contemporary Testament

The Contemporary Testament
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This is the book of God. Does this seem contradictory to you?

”This is the book of God. Does this seem contradictory to you? Taking notes here and there, it was written through the greatest force in the universe in partnership with the seer and is a rereading of important biblical parts explaining the will of the creator which can be recognized through faith. As Jesus said, those who are from God recognize his words and have this book as a loving letter from a father wanting to find his children again.”

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Aldivan Teixeira Torres

The Contemporary Testament


By:Aldivan Teixeira Torres

©2018-Aldivan Teixeira Torres

All the rights reserved

Aldivan Teixeira Torres

Translator:Kássio Spinoza Lee

Editing and review: Aldivan Teixeira Torres


This book, including all its parts, is protected by copyright and don’t can to be reproduced without Autor’s permission, resold or transfered.


Short Biography: Aldivan Teixeira Torres, was born in Arcoverde- PE, created the series the seer, the series sons of the light, poetry and screenplays. His literary career started at the end of 2011 with the publication of his first romance work Opposing forces – the mystery of the cave. For whatever reason, he stopped writing only resuming his career in the second half of 2013. Since then he never stopped. He hopes that his writing will contribute to the Pernambuco and Brazilian culture, arousing the pleasure of reading in those that do not yet have the habit. His motto is “For literature, equality, fraternity, justice, dignity and the human being honour for ever”.

I dedicate this book to all who earnestly seek knowledge. Certainly, the contemporary Testament will add much information to your luggage.

I thank my good God for the opportunity to once again express his teachings so that the whole world will know him. The father is truly wonderful.


The Contemporary Testament

Dedication and thanks


The family, the base of the whole society

At work

Other Topics

Seeking dignity and honesty

The faith and uncertainty of tomorrow

Tolerance to the specificities of the other

The struggle for unity among peoples

The challenge of living in a world of evil and lies

Urban and rural violence

Who am I?

The experience of pain

The highlights of my life

Living the right ethics


Are you disillusioned?

Materialism versus Kingdom of God

The duality

Human mercy and God's mercy

What does God represent in your life?

The question of invoking the dead

The sad end of one who manipulates the power of darkness

Why the permission of so many bad things in the world?

Lend to God

To be like the ant

The things which Yahweh hates

The legacy of man

The sin of omission

The Man's Wage


The righteous will stand firm forever

The number of years is measured by justice

The hope in Yahweh

The value of discretion

The important role of leader

The question of bail

The value of beauty

Fighting for a goal

Law of Return

How to progress in life

The early bird catches the worm

Who will find God?

How much do you love me?

Learning from mistakes

Life made up of appearances

A very important decision

Tell me your works and I'll tell you who you are.

Don’t fool yourself

Good and bad children

What moves me to the practice of good

The danger of power

How much are you worth?

The life tree

The good answer

The importance of planning

The end of man

The day of justice

What I like

Man does his projects but the answer comes from Yahweh

Am I acting correctly or not?

Why does nothing work in my life?

Behold, I am the beginning, middle, and end of things

My soul

True Happiness

A reflection

I'm your guide.


What I abhor

Behold, I call my son.

Know how to share

The gift of the word

Sweetness, kindness and generosity

The value of experience

The mastery of oneself

The destiny

My school

Paths to God

Hold on tight


Behold, I have made all things

Learn to distinguish


Pay well with good

I will always love you

The challenge of living with rebels

The grace of Yahweh

Behold, I love you for all eternity.

The destination of the groups

Cheer up

The bribery


Know how to listen

I am deep water and torrential

My strength comes from Yahweh

For the desperate hearts

To give or not to give the gift?

Luck and Chance

Good to be well

I am the son of God

An advice

There's no harm in it

Social relationships

Prayer to the father

What should you do?

The favor of the powerful

Good father corrects his son.

Who is part of my flock?

How do I know if my conduct is approved by Yahweh?

Where is the faithful man?

There's no one bigger than me

All are sinners


Damn you

The value of the promises

Everything in the right measure

I am your guide and strength

The bread that had not

In school

Friendship is rare

Unrequited loves

The difficult moment and the resurrection

The guarantor

The poor and the rich

What to look for

The value of knowledge

The day of doom

The future of the just

Do not confuse things

They lie

Respect your limits

The arrow released

Follow the promises

Do not get into trouble

The pilgrims

Wherever you are I'll be with you

No separation is final

What I am looking for

I am a closed city with walls

The honor of man and of Yahweh

The unfair curse

Do not get in trouble

Do not play with what you do not know

The mask of evil

You love Me?

With a kiss you betrayed me

Do not complain about the current situation

Cherish your roots

Who's my neighbor?

The breaking of the pure heart

How can you find me?

A life analysis

Feed yourself with the fruit of your labor

Be fearless as a lion

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