Miracle For The Neurosurgeon

Miracle For The Neurosurgeon
О книге

From doctor…to daddy?Neurosurgeon Wes Van Allen is used to being at the top of his game, so when an accident puts him in a wheelchair, he’ll push himself to the limit to regain his strength – he just needs a physical therapist who can keep up!Enter Mary Harris, whose sweet kisses he’s never forgotten! She’ll help Wes achieve his dream, if he helps her achieve hers – a baby! Captivated by Mary’s sunny optimism, dare Wes hope for the ultimate miracle – a family, with Mary by his side?

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From doctor...to daddy?

Neurosurgeon Wes Van Allen is used to being at the top of his game, so when an accident puts him in a wheelchair, he’ll push himself to the limit to regain his strength—he just needs a physical therapist who can keep up!

Enter Mary Harris, whose sweet kisses he’s never forgotten! She’ll help Wes achieve his dream, if he helps her achieve hers—a baby! Captivated by Mary’s sunny optimism, dare Wes hope for the ultimate miracle—a family, with Mary by his side?

Dear Reader,

One of the perks of having a romantic’s world-view and getting to write books is taking a tough story but featuring the silver lining. When I put my hero Wes in a wheelchair I knew that was the focus I needed to take.

Wes—or the Prince of Westwood, as I like to call him—had it all…and then he didn’t any more…and this book focuses on his journey after that. In walks Mary from the other side of the tracks, with her never-say-die attitude, her tiny house on wheels, plus a crazy bargain. And his current world, based on discipline and survivor’s grit, gets turned on its head.

Doing research for this book was enthralling, and I was amazed by the leaps that have been made in dealing with spinal cord injuries. Of course this book focuses on Wes and Mary’s love story, but I drew so much inspiration from my research and from the people who refuse to limit themselves because of where they sit.

I hope you enjoy the fireworks and the admiration these two meant-to-be lovebirds have for each other as they struggle through to their well-deserved HEA. As I mention in my dedication, I wouldn’t have had the guts to bring this story to life without the encouragement of a truly gifted editor: Flo Nicoll.

I hope you enjoy the book!


PS Visit lynnemarshall.com for the latest news and to sign up for my newsletter.

Miracle for the Neurosurgeon

Lynne Marshall


Books by Lynne Marshall

Mills & Boon Medical Romance

Summer Brides

Wedding Date with the Army Doc

The Hollywood Hills Clinic

His Pregnant Sleeping Beauty

Cowboys, Doctors…Daddies!

Hot-Shot Doc, Secret Dad

Father for Her Newborn Baby

200 Harley Street: American Surgeon in London

A Mother for His Adopted Son

Visit the Author Profile page at millsandboon.co.uk for more titles.

To Flo Nicoll, for giving me the courage to write this story, then helping me make it all it should be. Having you as an editor has been a blessing.

Praise for Lynne Marshall

‘Emotionally stirring, sensually mesmerising and beautifully written, His Pregnant Sleeping Beauty will keep you engrossed until the end.’



WESLEY VAN ALLEN looked like hell in a shirt. Not even a shirt, a T-shirt. A worn and dingy old white undershirt, with holes, that would be better suited for dusting furniture than wearing. Plus, it was wet, and he was obviously sweaty.

On second glance he looked more like hell on wheels with that driven dark stare. The pride Mary Harris had always admired in him was still in fine form, and so was that glint in his gaze. From the looks of the bulging veins on his deltoids and biceps she must have interrupted his gym time.

Mary bent and lightly kissed his cheek. “Remember me?” Yeah, he’d definitely been working out.

“How could I forget a pest like you?” Looking surprised, he used the hand towel from his lap to wipe his neck, as he gave her a lazy smile.

When he’d first opened the door, she’d had to adjust her gaze downward to accommodate his being in the wheelchair. His nearly black hair was longer than she’d ever seen it, and she had to admit it looked sexy all damp in disarray. For a man who’d always been proud to a fault and strutted around, letting the world know it, his posture hadn’t changed...from the waist up, anyway. But strutting was no longer possible.

Those once sparkling, take-on-the-world eyes Mary remembered as pale brown, coffee and cream, to be exact, seemed darker, more intense than ever. The way they examined her now, made her question why she’d dared to come here today.

She instantly remembered, he’d become a man who’d nearly lost it all. One who worked every day, far too hard, to regain his balance, or so she’d been told.

Mary fought every muscle on her face to hide her sorrow over the guy she’d once known versus the man she saw now, fearing her eyes would betray her. Do not cry. Do not.

She forced a bright smile. “I’ve come to see if I can be of any help. I am an expert, you know.”

He could probably see right through her, but she was determined to pull this off.

Alexandra, Wesley’s sister, had contacted Mary when the accident had first occurred nine months ago—the shockwave had hit so hard she could barely walk the rest of that day, her chest felt caved in, crushing her heart for the man she’d never gotten to know like she’d once dreamed she might. Mary had just signed on for a six-month hospital physical therapy position in Bangor, Maine, when he’d had his waterskiing accident. Far across the country, she couldn’t get home to see him. But she’d mourned his loss, and had worried about him every day, until Alexandra had assured her he was out of danger. Though he would never walk again.

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